Managing employee leave requests made easy

An easier way for employees to submit leave requests and for managers to approve and manage leave like a pro. an easier way to manage your team availability.

Trusted by over 500 + business

Invision Intelligence

Simplify your leave management with Cerely

View and approve pending leave requests with all the details you need in one place. Our intuitive system automatically updates your roster and timesheets, making it easy for you to track new and updated requests.
Leave and unavailability are linked with rosters, so you always know who is available to work any shift
Managers can review, approve or decline time off requests on the go from anywhere.

Switch off leave requests during Blackout Periods

During busy periods, turn off the ability for staff to apply for leave with the mobile app to let your staff know not to take time off during busy periods like New Year’s Eve or the Christmas Holidays

Request leave on the go

Let staff request leave through the mobile app to get manager’s approval. Waste less time with paper forms and stay updated about who’s in and out of work.

Never be left shorthanded.

When create rosters with Cerely, you’ll never accidentally schedule people who are on leave as our rostering platform works in hand with our leave management so all employees on leave will be automatically removed from the roster.

When employee is away, find a replacement to cover their shift notifying employees of available shifts to selected or all employees with a push of a button.